Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Last updated: March 01, 2024
We understand that participating in clinical research brings many questions. Our goal is to provide you with clear, reliable answers to help make informed decisions about your potential participation. Here are some of the most common questions we receive:

A clinical trial is a research study that tests new treatments, interventions, or tests to prevent, detect, treat, or manage various diseases or medical conditions. These studies are essential for developing new medicines and improving health outcomes.
Eligibility varies from study to study based on specific criteria, including age, gender, the type and stage of a disease, previous treatment history, and other medical conditions. These criteria are used to identify appropriate participants and keep them safe.
Safety is our utmost priority. Clinical trials undergo rigorous testing and must adhere to strict regulations before they can even recruit participants. Throughout a trial, independent ethics committees monitor the safety data.
The term ‘investigational’ describes the drug, procedure, or device that is being tested in a clinical trial but has not yet been approved by regulatory authorities like the FDA or Health Canada for general use. We use ‘investigational’ in our advertising to clarify that while these methods show promise for treating or managing conditions, they are still under examination to ensure their safety and effectiveness. This distinction is important as it sets expectations for potential participants, informing them that participation involves receiving a treatment still in the research phase.
To enroll, contact us through our website or by phone. We’ll conduct a preliminary screening via phone to see if you fit any study criteria. If you do, we’ll invite you for a more detailed assessment where we’ll give you a detailed overview of the study, collect information on your medical history, and perform any standard health exams to verify your eligibility.
Participants may undergo medical tests, receive interventions (like a new drug or medical device), and have their health closely monitored. Each study differs significantly, so specific details and number of study visits are provided up front.
Many clinical trials offer compensation for time and travel expenses. The specifics depend on the trial and will be discussed with you in advance.
Yes, participation in any clinical research is entirely voluntary. You can withdraw at any time, for any reason, without penalty.
Before joining a trial, you’ll be given an Informed Consent Document explaining all aspects of the trial, including its purpose, duration, required procedures, risks, and benefits. You’re encouraged to ask questions and given time to decide.
You may access new treatments before they’re widely available and contribute to medical research that could benefit others in the future. Additionally, you’ll receive close medical supervision.
Your privacy and the confidentiality of your medical information are protected by law. Only authorized research personnel will have access to your information, and your identity will not be disclosed in any report about the study.